Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Inspiring Lives

I am a little behind on my “annual” post.  Scratch that, I am WAY behind.  It’s not that I haven’t wanted to, or that I haven’t had a few good ideas for blog posts here and there.  The combination of time and words just never seemed to come.

But, I have been stewing over a topic for the past few days, and even though it seems somewhat random, I still feel compelled to write about it.  For the past couple of days, “inspirational people” have been on my mind; maybe it’s the lull between Nelson Mandela’s passing and the Olympics that’s gotten to me. Usually, people who inspire you fall into two categories: the people you know very well (mom, dad, best friend, etc) or they are people that you’ve never met (e.g. Mother Theresa).

However, a person that inspires me is very much in between those two categories. She’s fits into the category of people who were once much closer, but, with the passing of time and life, the relationship has steered more into acquaintanceship (or Facebook friendship as we sometimes like to call it today).  You see, when I was a young (i.e. annoying) intern on Capitol Hill, I worked for a fabulous Senator. And, I worked with some amazing women to boot. One of them was named Suzanne. And this is the story of how Suzanne inspired and continues to inspire me. I apologize in advance, Suzanne, if you are reading this and didn’t want it written.

I am not sure I have met anyone in my life that so wholeheartedly trusts God to direct her path in life.  One of the first memories I have of Suzanne is learning how much she wanted children (and how passionate she was about children and education in general). Without going into too much detail, as I am sure the facts are now blurry in my mom-brain (and I don’t know how much others like information to be divulged), Suzanne couldn’t bear children of her own. However, I know that she was praying for her children before I met her.

Fast forward a number of years I care not to admit, and she has two outstandingly beautiful children.  And, although she did not to get to be with these children for the first years’ of their lives, I know for a fact that she prayed for them before they were born. And she flew half way around the world to bring them home. I think how the incredible peace of mind that her children must (hopefully!) have. What would their mom not do for them?!

However, motherhood isn’t the only thing that inspires me about Suzanne.  She has conquered dietary restrictions like a contestant on iron-chef. She was not only an incredible aide on the Hill, but still champions for the rights and lives of children on her blog (and guest spots on other blogs).

And it’s been so incredible to see (from far away—via blog and Facebook updates) where God has taken her.  So, here’s to Suzanne, and her incredible journey of prayer and faithfulness.  I strive to be more like you. And, I don’t think people like you get recognized often enough.